Newsletter - October 2024
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month and Mental Health Month. In this newsletter, we've included: A quiz to check your Cyber Safety Score, 10 ways you can create a mentally healthy workplace as a sole trader plus a look at exciting Rounded updates coming in the next few weeks!
Article contents
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You'll also find:
What should you do if you’re entitled to be paid super by clients with Lauren Thiel, Accountant for Creatives
The #1 tip for new Rounded users from Kirsten of Stat Admin Solutions
More helpful resources for your solo business
How cyber safe is your business? Take our quiz and find out! 🔒
See how secure your business is from cyber threats. This quiz has 10 questions and will take ~2 minutes to complete.
Want to brush up on best practice? Check out our guide.
And if you haven't already, you can start improving your online security by turning on two-factor authentication for your Rounded account. Here's how to do it.
🧠 Creating a mentally healthy workplace as a solo business owner
When you have a million things on your plate, it's easy to put your mental health on the back burner. But if you want to create a successful (and long-term!) business, your wellbeing needs to be a priority.
Here's 10 ways you can get started 👇

You may not be able to do all of these things or stick to them all the time, and that's okay!
Ultimately, being self-employed is all about creating a workplace that works for you.
Just remember – your mental health is just as important as your business goals. By taking small, consistent steps to protect it, you'll be better equipped to manage the ups and downs that come with running your own business and enjoy long-term success.
Read more about how you can better look after your mental health as a sole trader.
⚙️ Exciting new updates for Rounded
There’s a lot to look forward to as we head into the last stretch of 2024.
The most customisable invoicing experience
Greater customisation of invoices and quotes has been on the to-do list for some time.
We’ve made some great progress recently and we’re putting the final touches on the foundations that will allow for:
Various font sizes
Custom font line heights (handy for long form documents)
More fonts to choose from
Choose from various header themes (with support for custom header graphics)
Adjust logo size
Choose from various footer themes
Custom document padding and margins
Change all text labels
More unit types (measurements, volume, weight etc)
And more...
To achieve all this we’ll need to make some small changes and improvements to the UI when creating an invoice.
These improvements will start rolling out over the coming weeks.
Deeper Stripe integration
Work continues with expanding our Stripe integration. This will enable a data feed (similar to bank feeds) of all transactions within your Stripe account. Each Stripe transaction can be reconciled as income and the associated fee as an expense. This will be very handy if you use Stripe for creating your own subscriptions or collecting external payments.
Hiding data from archived clients
As a bit of housekeeping we’ll soon be hiding all data from archived clients. This will remove a lot of clutter, especially within time tracking. Rest assured archived client data is available should you need it - simply restore an archived client to regain full visibility of all the associated data.
💡Tip Of The Month With Lauren Thiel, Accountant For Creatives
If you are a sole trader who is entitled to receive super payments from your clients, you should be sending the invoice and stating on there that they owe you super (11.5% on top, for FY2025), but also providing them a super standard choice form. This tells them where to pay the super (direct to your super fund!!).
If you're not sure whether or not you're entitled to be paid super, use this tool from the ATO or speak with your accountant.
Keep a little spreadsheet for your own records so you can keep track of invoices sent (through Rounded ideally!), the super you're entitled to, documents sent, and when payment of super is noted in your super fund.
Learn more about super from Lauren here.
💬 What's Your #1 Tip For New Users?

Bank feed!!! This feature takes all the great things about Rounded & creates a cohesive system for tracking & reporting & will change your life! Seriously, not even exaggerating.
🧠 More Helpful Resources
See how Rounded works in our weekly masterclass
Tough times tips from Creative Plus Business
Hear from Australian cyber security experts on how to protect yourself online
75 ways to be creative from the Freelance Jungle
The best freelance tools and software (LinkedIn thread)
Overcoming insecurities as a business owner with Steph Gobraiel
Looking to shift gears in your career? Here's what you need to know.
Cover Photo by GuerrillaBuzz on Unsplash
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Invoicing and accounting software for sole traders. Get paid faster and relax at tax time.