Newsletter - November 2022

In the November newsletter we look the differences between accountants and bookkeepers. There's a deep dive into last month's Federal Budget and what's in it for sole traders. The results of our October survey are published along with a very exciting partnership announcement plus a round up of all the best content for freelancers from around the web

Do freelancers need accountants? Or bookkeepers? Both? Neither? 

We answer all your questions in this article, and help you decide if and when it's time to bring a financial expert on board to grow your business and maximise your income.

Finance Tip of the Month

Our accountant in residence, Lauren Thiel, Founder of The Real Thiel - Accounting for creatives shares Octobers finance tip of the month:

Lauren Thiel - Founder of The Real Thiel

"When looking for an accountant or bookkeeper, it's important to find someone who is a match for your values, budget, and importantly your working style. Some people like speedy responses, some like face-to-face, some like to know the price upfront, and others need colour-coded drawings (my kind of people!). You want an accountant who gets you, who communicates in a way you like, and one who knows their stuff."

New Partnerships

We are delighted to announce a formal partnership with Rachel's List and The Content Byte Podcast. It's an extension of our already close relationship with these 2 leading freelance brands and we could not be more excited to begin working on a wide array of initiatives to better support Australia's 1.38M freelancers.

Survey Results - October

2FA and a password manager are the best tools to keep your online data safe

It's a good sign that 92% of freelancers who took our survey last month said they're taking at least one action to protect their freelance business. But there's still room for enhanced security. 

ICYMI: Here are our tips for preventing cybercrime

October 2022 - Federal Budget Review

Rounded CEO Nick Beames takes a look at last month's federal budget and uncovers exactly what's in it for freelancers and sole traders.

November Freelance Legend

Tom Valcanis on why you should always be networking.

Tom Valcanis -

"When you're starting out, if you aren't working you should be networking. Building relationships is as important as getting your work done on time and getting your finances sorted. Marketing yourself should be part of 'working on your business'."

Are you our next Freelance Legend?

Are you our next freelance legend?

We're always on the lookout for freelancers to feature in our upcoming newsletters. 

If you have wisdom to share, and you'd like a chance to promote your business, we want to hear from you! 

Fill out this short form, and we'll be in touch! 

Did you know Rounded could do that?

Template Your Services for Quick Invoicing

If you offer a variety of different products and services, Item templates are a great way to quickly add them to an invoice. Create them in the item template section or directly inside an invoice by setting a full description and associated cost. They can then be added to any invoice in a couple of clicks, which can be a real time saver! Click here for more info and set up instructions.

Item Templates make invoicing even quicker!

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Come join our weekly Rounded 101 Webinars, free to anyone who wants to discover how Rounded helps make managing business finances quick and easy.

The Rounded Roundup - Our Fave Stuff From Around the Web

From Rounded's Friends

What is super? - The Real Thiel

Get the lowdown on Super for freelancers and creatives, including advice on investing in your own fund.

How to deal with pitch rejections - Lindy Alexander

Lindy Alexander has tips on how to handle rejections that are an inevitable part of freelance life.

TikTok: "Just do the assignment!"

From the Rounded Archives

How to use passive income to grow your business

Earn more income with these tips from Jeremy Mura.

How to set the right prices for your freelance business

Setting the right prices is key to freelance success. Learn more here.

Rounded is simple accounting and invoicing software made for Australian sole traders and freelancers

Learn more